Let’s Meet

Hello! I’m Carrie Cragen and I hope to be your
personal Nutritionist and Certified Health Coach.

When I changed my way of eating back in 2012, it was overwhelming. I sat down with my Doctor and learned my diet was contributing to my adult acne, daily headaches and weight gain. I left his office with a hearty, “Good Luck!” but no direction.

What in the world was I going to eat?
I walked into a grocery store and literally cried in the aisle as I was so overwhelmed with new products and not knowing what I was supposed to eat. A life-long mentor and friend began to teach me how to eat. By consuming nourishing foods, my headaches disappeared, my skin healed and I dropped two pant sizes!

What initially felt like hopelessness was actually a seed of hope. The seed grew and grew and led me down a nutrition path where I became a Certified Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, ran a wholistic weight loss clinic and went on to complete my Bachelor of Science in Nutrition through Purdue University. 

Maybe you need some hope today. You can feel better. You can make changes. You can accomplish your health goals. I’d be honored to walk alongside you and help you!